Tag: Politics

Yellowstone National park

The Great American Outdoors Act is a welcome relief.

President Trump has signed into effect the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA). In doing so, we have a bipartisan agreement which has been touted across the political spectrum as a ‘generational’ conservation legislation. Though, people with political agendas on both sides weren’t above points scoring against each other. The great conservationist Teddy Roosevelt would approve greatly of HR 1957 (we…

Trump won’t ‘close the country’: Even if there is a second Coronavirus outbreak.

With the country still mostly closed due to Coronavirus. In a move that may have severe repercussions one way or another for the upcoming US Presidential Election. How so? Well, President Trump has made two bold statements today. Beginning by calling on states to re-open Churches, mosques, synagogues and houses from other religious communities. As the US continues to stutter…