Start Prepping

 It’s time to start prepping (Though you probably already are).

You reached us here at Spartan Prepping. So, you (hopefully) have at least some vague notion of what prepping is. Fact is almost everyone already preps to some extent, the most common example being car or medical insurance. If you have either, you are already a prepper.

You are here because you are looking for help to evaluate preparedness more seriously over what we all generally do anyway. And being better prepared than you are now. With the way of the world in the last few decades, more and more people are rediscovering things we once knew as part of daily life.

Or, perhaps just for the Zombies. Which are super fun as a hypothetical scenario.

You are probably also hoping that you haven’t found a site full of conspiracy theorists in the process. And, you haven’t (Though seriously, we think someone’s husband definitely became tiger sushi).

Jokes aside, we also know that when you first dip your toes into the water with such a wide subject, it can feel more like drowning. So, we aim to help with that (the prep for not drowning is learning to swim).

We aren’t conspiracy theorists and we don’t think that TEOTWAWKI is very likely in our lifetimes. SHTF though, that happens every day globally.

We like to focus on positive aspects and the things we ourselves are passionate about. Our Spartan lifestyle is about living free due to prepping, not living in fear.

With that in mind you can also expect a lot of ancillary content on spending time in the great outdoors. In addition to this we do book reviews, some history pieces and other adhoc things we’ve found interesting any given week.

Not hardcore enough for you? Fine. Go watch Doomsday preppers instead.

What is prepping?

Prepping is simply a broad way to describe being prepared for events that each individual thinks that they should have a plan for. It’s just in case a sub-optimal event occurs, whilst maintaining a happy life.

Issues can vary from the mundane (though important) such as financial planning, to the unthinkable and everything in between. As a result, at Spartan Prepping, we focus on guiding you through the following key areas:

Getting Started with Prepping:

Learn the basics of preparedness. Being prepared helps you feel happier, safer and more productive within your family and community. The boy scouts haven’t been touting it for years for no reason.

Understand the areas of your life where prepping can apply. Keep up to date with current threats. You can find plenty of inspiring articles on simple healthy sustainable living.

Prepping can be very location dependent too. So, we try to address urban prepping, rural prepping, work prep and travel security too.

Staying Secure & being Equipped:

Avoidance is not presenting a target of opportunity for either the universe or those in it who would wish us harm. From your security at home through vehicle and personal security. There are preparations you can make outside of ‘just’ having weapons and the skills to use them.

What will you need if you bug out? Should you bug home instead? What’s in your bug out bags and is your every day carry and transport situation adequate?

Maintaining your Health & Skills:

Diet & Exercise

Mental Health

Essential life-skills


Self Reliance

The Scenarios you Might Face:

News, Reviews and Articles.